Monday, December 8, 2014

Fourth week 12-8-14

So I usually look forward to Mondays because I've been enjoying working on my own website. I like making something that involves my interests. Unfortunately, the computer in the IMC didn't work the ENTIRE period. When I first sat down, it seemed fine, but once I logged in, I realized that I probably wouldn't be working this period. It took almost the entire class to finish the login process, and at the last five minutes I was finally able to go on Google Chrome. Of course though, the computer had about a 4 second delay to every key and every movement of the mouse. So that was my Monday.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Third week 12-1-14

So I'm posting this pretty late, but it's not because I don't want to do the work. I honestly just forgot for a little while. Anyway, last week in class I continued to work on our website, which is actually starting to look okay. We put some pictures to liven it up a bit, and I posted the four week timeline I made. I don't know when we actually start following our timelines, but I'm pretty excited for that because I really want to watch Saving Private Ryan. It might seem weird, but I've never actually seen it, but I know how amazing it is based on what I've been told. So basically, everything's pretty much going smoothly in the beginning.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Second week 11-23-14

I'm actually really excited for this project, mainly because its pretty much just pure fun. However, even though its fun, I'm aware of the learning aspect of it. Putting in work in order to inform and teach others can be fun I guess. Last Monday I actually made some moderately significant progress. First, I laid out a four week timeline, which is as follows:
Week 1: Saving Private Ryan
Week 2: The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers and the Lonely Hearts Club Band
Week 3: Silence of the Lambs
Week 4: Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon

On top of that, I started making a website with I included a forum and a poll, for people to potentially discuss or vote on topics. The thought of people talking about things that I love really excites me to do this kind of stuff. Even though we haven't actually started doing real work, I'm having fun with school, which was always rare for me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


One problem with my generation is the inability to expand ones mind; everyone just likes what's new and cool, and no one cares to experience what and why certain movies and albums are considered some of the greatest of all time. One thing that I would love to do is appreciate truly great art in the form of film and music, and then share that appreciation with others. The idea of doing what I love, with the purpose of spreading knowledge of entertainment classics to close-minded individuals in my peer group sounds perfect to me. In my opinion, it is magnificently important for everyone to understand what makes art great, and why it is considered to be timeless. The best thing about this is that not only will I be teaching, I will also be watching and listening to the greatest, at a cost of absolutely nothing. With the power of the internet, I'll be able to find practically any movie or album I could possibly want. My timeline for this project is practically random, because every week I will be listening to or watching a new movie or album, with no particular direction. Basically whatever I'm feeling like experiencing will be what I will write about that week. It may sound trite, but I feel like the appreciation of art is one of the most valuable commodities that is diminishing in my generation, and I hope to slow that decline.